Squat Every Day a Little Deeper

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Squat Every Day a Little Deeper


Squat Every Day a Little Deeper

2016 has been an amazing year. Rock (my son), is growing up. Every day he changes into a little man more and more. Emily Drew and I are expecting another little boy at any moment. I have traveled the world as a Coach for Team USA thanks to coaching some of the best athletes in America.

Squat Every Day has done a lot more than just get me strong. I am moving better, and I feel more athletic. Crushing my first ever Super Total Meet (Snatch, Clean & Jerk, Squat, Strict Press, and Deadlift) last year reminded me that anything is possible if I put my mind to it. Now I am inspired to teach all of you not only how to get stronger and more athletic, but I also want to teach you how to conquer life. That is what Squat Every Day has really done for me.

Here’s what I am talking about:

1. It’s all about Mind Set! It really is. What is your paradigm? By paradigm, I mean what is your reality, or your view of reality. I have news for you! Your view of reality is probably a lie put there by negative family and friends, and then reinforced by society. Trust me I grew up in a place where nothing really amazing happens. It took me getting out and seeing the world to understand that my view of reality was totally messed up.

The view that I had of me as an athlete was messed up. I thought that I was good, but not great. I am from the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. How could I be great? We are just a bunch of rednecks. Aren’t we?

The answer is no! We are the strongest group of people that I have ever met. I have been all over the world, and I am yet to meet a stronger group of men and women. The problem is that no one told us that until now. This discovery inspired me to help others discover their inner-greatness. I don’t want to let negative opinions shape the men and women that I am in contact with. That means “You” the one reading this right now.

Squatting Every Day has allowed me to lift massive weights at the age of 42. These are weights that I never dreamed where still possible, but they were possible. Great things are possible for you as long as you let go of all the crap that was fed to you by the people in your life.

A great way of letting it go is to forgive the people that told you those negative things. They didn’t mean too. They were just passing on the same negative things that were told to them because those negative things were their reality. Your job is to kill those negative thoughts right now, and refuse to pass them on to anyone in your life.

2. Simplify your life to the important things! Squat Every Day is all about picking out the important exercises, and then performing those exercises often. I am focused right now on Super Total Meets, so I am going to Snatch, Clean & Jerk, Squat Press, and Deadlift often. I am also going to lunge, row, and pull-up because those things are important just not as important.

This simple concept applies to life so well. If family is important, then make QUALITY Time for them daily. Let’s call it “Family Every Day”! Then pick out the important parts of your career, and focus on them. With me, writing, coaching, and teaching are the favorite aspects of what I do. Therefore I do them almost daily, and then I have hired out the rest. You will always get best results from focusing on what is important and letting someone else handle the small details.

My relationship with God is the most important part. Funny how we let the most important part slip the most. This year, I have definitely improved, but I am still only touching the surface. 2016 has to be God Every Day for me.

Hopefully you get the point. If it is important, then do it often, and do it well. If we are not careful, we will let distractions keep us from what’s important. Laser focus in the key to reaching great heights.

Last year, I let business pull me from coaching my athletes. That was a big mistake because I found myself totally unhappy and grumpy. I am called to be a teacher/coach. If I vary from that calling, then I can only expect sadness. God gifted me with the ability to teach and inspire. I am now back on a track that I will never sway from again unless God calls me somewhere else.

3. Nothing is better for overall human health that proper movement. I fractured a vertebra in my cervical spine in 2007. That injury has caused major issues for the left side of my body. The radial nerve has been compromised, and that makes holding and pressing on the left side very difficult. Squatting Every Day has strengthened my left side dramatically. I am now Snatching 297lb, which is right at that 300lb mark. I am bench-pressing 400lb again.

If you want to get mobility and stability in a movement or exercise, then perform that exercise often. You can do all the lacrosse balling and foam rolling that you want, but nothing beats the movement to improve the movement. You don’t get better at basketball by playing baseball.

I hope that these points help you in life. I want you all inspired to crush 2017. Squat Every Day, love your family every day, and worship every day! That’s where I am heading for 2017. Where will you?

“Squat Every Day II” and “The Mash Blueprint for Strength Programing” drop this weekend.

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4 thoughts on “Squat Every Day a Little Deeper”

  1. I enjoy reading what I see here, but I still haven’t received any programs from when I signed up for the newsletter…….

    1. James, you won’t receive programs in the newsletter, you’ll receive notices to articles that have Travis’s programs in the article. Go to google and search, Travis has tons of free programs on this site within the articles, you just have to do some reading. RBCP so far is my favorite, I got stupid strong in all the lifts and the first time in forever that I literally was sore every single day, it was great.

  2. Pingback: Ce que le Squat Every Day peut vous apprendre sur l’état d’esprit | Actitude sport

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