12 Ordinary Men! Crazy Volume! Video


Friday I had the honor of doing the Pre-Game Speech for the Davie County High School Varsity Football Team. I coach or have worked with a majority of the Team. Needless to say, I take this honor very seriously. This is a young team with two MashElite Freshmen and two MashElite Sophomores in the starting lineup. This team has had a lot of ups and downs this year. My talk centered on the 12 Disciples of Christ. Here were my points:

-They were 12 very ordinary men that did extraordinary things! They changed the world! They spread the Gospel!

-Christ taught them all(especially Peter) through their successes and their failures.

-When they started serving a higher cause than their own pride, they became unstoppable.

-They learned to serve one another first, and to put their own desires last!

-In the end they put their love of Christ before all!

I’m very proud of my young athletes that are stepping up and starting! Here are some of the key points of their programming that causes them to be so far ahead of their classmates:

-Mobility Work during every dynamic warm up! If an athlete can’t move, they can’t play!

-Speed Work centered around Contrast Training!

-All my athletes do forms of the Olympic lifts(Snatch and Clean & Jerk)! This enhances mobility, power, speed, explosiveness, strength, and Kinesthetic Awareness!

-We get strong! Squats, Bench, Deadlifts, and Presses to build the engine bigger and stronger!

-Teach them to be Master’s of the Mundane! Nutrition, stretching, soft tissue work, and all the other little things are the difference!

Last week was the first week of high volume for my Weightlifters and Powerlifters! Our goal is to push the body further than ever. Then strategically backing the volume down to allow for compensation. Our focus right now is on Squatting, Complexes, and Stabilizing the Overhead Positions. Here are some of the highlights of Hell Week 1:

For information on “Learn 2 Lift” Seminars or Online Coaching/Programming, go to:

www.MashElitePerformance.com or email me at Travis.Mash@MashElitePerformance.com

Twitter: @MashElite
FaceBook and Instagram: Mash Elite Performance
YouTube: Travis Mash

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